2024 Summer Dance Opportunities! All Markettes & Minikettes must take 8 hours of dance over the summer.
Memorial Dance Center Summer Intensive Schedule: https://memorialdance.com/summer-classes/ Registration Forms: https://memorialdance.com/# Michelle Leagans Power Intensives Register at www.michelleleaganspowerintensives.com 6/8 - Klein Oak 6/11 - Jordan 6/21 - Bryan/College Station 6/23 - Beaumont 6/25 - Tribe Seven Cypress 6/30 - Star Steppers 7/9 - Pearland 7/14 - Dance Dynamics Tompkins HS Drop in Master Classes For more info email: [email protected] 6/11 (10:00 - 12:00) - Melissa Robinson 6/18 (1:00 - 2:00) - Aidan Aloma 6/19 (1:30 - 3:30) - Melissa Robinson 6/25 (10:00 - 11:30) - Camryn Qawami 6/26 (10:00 - 11:30) - Nicole Kayser 7/9 (1:00 - 2:30) - Sara Wilson 7/10 (1:00 - 2:30) - Terrill Mitchell 7/16 (10:00 - 11:30) - Michelle Leagans 7/17 (10:00 - 11:30) - Mary Orr Accelerate (Ascension all day intensives worth 6 hours of summer dance hours) https://www.ascensiondance.com/accelerate-intensive 7/10 - Clear Creek HS 7/18 - Paetow HS 7/25 - Langham Creek HS Crowd Pleasers Intensify (1 day intensive) crowdpleasersdance.com/cp-extras/intensify/ 6/13 - Humble 6/14 - The Woodlands Trendsetters Summer Intensives https://trendsettersdance.com/dance-intensives/ June 11 - Magnolia High School June 12 - Eisenhower High School June 20 - Willis High School June 20 June 23 and 24 - Pivot Performing Arts Studio July 18 - Needville High School Sarah Wilson - The Workshop 6/12 and 6/13 - Tompkins HS The Dance Kollective 7/29-8/2 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Dance Team Technique Week Core Dance Alliance (Sugar Land) www.coredancealliance.com Specific for high schoolers we are offering 2 summer intensives from July 8th - 12th and July 15th - 19th Athletistry Find the summer class schedule here: https://www.athletistrydance.com/schedules Would suggest dance team combos, leaps and turns, jazz, dance team tricks, choreo combo class, turn technique, leap technique, strength and conditioning, core and flexibility Masters Upper Level Year round drill team classes: https://muldance.com/drillteam/ Uptown Dance Heavy ballet focus. Need lots of prior ballet training. https://www.uptowndance.org/summer-programs City Ballet of Houston Find info about classes on their website: https://cityballetofhouston.com/ Institute of Contemporary Dance Drop-in Classes – register here: https://www.icdhouston.com/teen-adult-schedule The PAC Dance Studio - https://www.pacdance.com (they offer teen classes at different levels, plus technique classes geared towards drill team) Dance Studios in the Surrounding Area Memorial Dance Center (Platinum Sponsor of the Markettes) 9392 Gaylord, Houston, TX 77024 713.468.5700. Memorialdance.com Masters Upper Level 4100 Greenbriar Dr #100, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 240-8276 Muldance.com Uptown Dance Centre 7417 Shadyvilla Ln, Houston, TX 77055 (713) 686-0334 Uptowndancecentre.com Energy Dance Center 1322 Dairy Ashford Rd, Houston, TX 77077 (832) 533-8636 energydancecenter.com Houston Academy of Dance 14520 Memorial, Suite 78, Houston, TX. 77079 Phone 281.497.4783 http://www.houstondancecentre.com/ Athletistry Performing Arts Center 8475 Highway 6 N (281)550-1234 http://www.athletistrydance.com/ |